We value collaboration and recognize that sometimes it takes a whole community.
Explore the following resources for additional support or to learn more about gambling support options. To request brochures and other materials, or to have a resource added to this page, please contact us.
Fold 'em Podcast
Fold 'em is podcast hosted by our counsellors through the Problem Gambling Help website. Fold 'em offers straight talk about dealing with the fall-out from gambling. Whether you are looking at stopping or scaling back your own gambling or helping a family member with a problem, this podcast will help you in taking back control. Hear from gamblers who have been through it and get tips from counsellors. There is a way out from the hold gambling has on your life. Fold 'em can help get you there.
Choices & Chances
Choicesandchances.ca is web resource for gambling information. Developed in partnership with the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research at the University of Victoria, Choices and Chances is a program resource that allows anyone to explore, discover and reflect on their relationship to gambling, in a safe and non-judgemental way.
GamTalk - Online Chat & Peer Support
Gamtalk is an online resource that helps people dealing with gambling problems in a variety of ways. It offers live chatting with other members of the community, a forum to present questions and respond to others, and stories about recovering from gambling problems.
iMinds Gambling Literacy Curriculum
iMinds is a collection of resources for schools related to substance use and gambling. The lesson ideas fit within the scope of BC’s K-12 curriculum, emphasizing core and curricular competencies. The collection of lesson ideas include specific competencies for gambling literacy that help teachers see multiple possibilities and opportunities to address health and well-being.
The BC Lottery Corporation’s platform, GameSense, provides valuable information about gambling so you can make informed decisions.
BCLC's GameBreak Program enables you to voluntarily exclude yourself from all facilities with slot machines, commercial bingo halls, or from accessing BCLC’s online gambling site, PlayNow.com, for a predetermined amount of time. If you exclude from a gambling facility, you will automatically be excluded from PlayNow.com for the same period of time.